I'm a part of the Host Committee for the new San Francisco Youth Justice Comic Con, which is a free event for youth bridging the activism of the Bay Area with the fandom of comics, anime and pop culture.
To help generate ideas, buzz, and involvement with youth, I've created a simple zine that youth can fill out and submit to the Host Committee. We'll use what we get in the design of the San Francisco Youth Justice Comic Con this year and as a launching point for planning future events.
To gather feedback for this year, we are partnering with SFUSD School Librarians, Lick-Wilmerding High School, and the Asian Art Museum's Art Speak Internship Program to print and distribute them and to collect completed zines from youth.
If you are a teen or an artist, educator, or librarian working with teens (or tweens) and want to help shape our 2020 Comic Con, please:
* DOWNLOAD the zine,
* PRINT IT on 11" X 17" (aka tabloid or ledger) paper.
* FOLD IT (HERE is a video on how)
* SNAP A PIC of it
* EMAIL the pic to youthjusticecon@gmail.com
It should take between 30-60 minutes to complete. Please submit it no later than January 24, 2020.
If you want some inspiration, HERE IS A SAMPLE of the completed zine.
I'm looking forward to what youth create and share and incorporating new ideas into what a Con can actually be.
AND....if you are looking for a customizable zine that helps audiences / constituencies / stakeholder groups meaningfully engage with issues or ideas and which provides crowd-sourced feedback / data, hit me up! I specialize in creating openings for participation through simple design and popular communications.